17 January 2013

One of these days, I’m going to explain the methodology behind the causes I pick and what my own self-determined rules are for my year of giving. Yep, I’m going to do that once I figure that out. 

I’m pretty sure I’m about to break a rule that I originally had in mind. When I thought about starting this project a few months ago, I decided that I didn’t want it to have any kind of political slant or bias. I figured there were certainly enough social service-oriented organizations that everyone supported, no matter where they fell on the political spectrum.

I want this project to feel inclusive. All are welcome here. The country feels so divided to me and I want this blog to be a place that creates nothing but good vibes and engenders good will.  One rule I won’t violate is that if I give to any candidates running for office (there are a lot of local elections in California this year), it will not come out of my $3,650 and you won’t read about it here. 

I’m sure a pattern will develop based on the charities I’m giving to that if someone who doesn’t already know me is reading regularly, they may be able to figure out my leanings.  In fact, looking back over the first two weeks, it’s pretty clear that I adore animals, like helping the homeless and those trying to make a better life for themselves, want children to thrive, am straight but very gay friendly, and love music.

What I’m realizing is that I have to be true to myself. I’m not picking these charities at random. I feel aligned with their mission in every way, so if I’ve selected an organization, even if it’s one that I didn’t know about until one of you suggested it, it means I’ve done some research on it and the charity not only has my financial support, it has my intellectual, emotional and spiritual support as well. 

So if I pick an organization that feels wrong-headed to you or offends you, write a comment below. I try to be open minded about these things, despite having fairly strong opinions. I’m always eager to learn more. Or just go and make a donation to an organization that supports the opposite view.

Much of what I’ve read over the past two days has been reactions to President Obama’s Wednesday list of proposals to reduce gun violence. Polls show that most Americans favor some kind of tightening of gun control laws, including enhanced background checks. It all seems like common sense to me. 

To that end, today’s $10 goes to the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (I’m aware that Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly have also started a similar initiative, which I support).  

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings have opened a dialogue on this issue that I’ve found as enlightening as I have frightening in some ways. I haven’t intended for my choices to provoke any kind of debate, but if they do, maybe that’s for the good too. 

Jan. 17: The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence http://www.bradycampaign.org/

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